Condition 2: the I love meaningless baseball shirt and I will buy this ability of information carriers to replicate faster than they disintegrate. Pretty straight forward – any given chain of molecules holds information, but it isn’t much good if it falls apart before it reproduces itself. Can these string-monopole necklaces store information? Well, with simple magnetic monopole, the only possible necklace is an alternating series of North and South poles and anti-poles. There’s only one possible configuration, and so there’s no way to store information that way.
But if you have slightly more exotic physics you can form different types of monopole. For example, there’s this scenario in this early universe symmetry-breaking stuff where, after the I love meaningless baseball shirt and I will buy this monopoles form, they split in two – into so-called semi-poles. There are four types of semipole – two for each of the original monopole type. Four coding “letters” – sounds a bit like DNA. Semipoles have an added bonus: whereas monopoles and anti-monopoles will always attract each other and annihilate if they come together. With semipoles, it’s possible to form string segments capped by NON-annihilating semipole pairs that actually repel each other. In this way, it may be possible to develop complex string structures, analogous to chemistry. And maybe you can even build something like DNA.